Have you heard? College is a waste of time. College isn’t for everyone. The tradition of going to college and pursuing higher education is no longer in use and doesn’t work today as a result of technology. If you are going to make the terrible mistake of pursuing a college, then you are going to regret it at age. I am going to tell you some of the reasons why you shouldn’t go to college, and if you are a fresher, then this article is going to help you. This article helps the students who are in doubt that should I go to college or not. So, the most probable answer is NO in different situations. Read the full article to know the reasons why you shouldn’t go to college.

Why You Shouldn’t Go to College

Find the best reasons not to go to college and alternatives to college. What to do if college isn’t for you?

Waste of Time

For bachelor’s, you have to give about a minimum of three to four years of your life in this on hold to gain knowledge about the subjects. If you are an impatient person, then college is not for you because it needs a lot of focus, dedication, and, most importantly, “Time”. Time is money, and when you waste time, you waste money. Life is too short to waste your time. At present, pursuing a college degree of three to four years may not be a wise decision, where the world is changing within a fraction of seconds. So, you don’t waste your time in the world of imagination. Productively make use of those years, then success will be one step closer to you. That’s why college is a waste of time.

Waste of Money

For an undergraduate program or bachelor’s degree, on average, tuition fees per annum in the United States were estimated at $9,410 (in-state students) and $23,890 (out-of-state students) for public universities, and $32,410 for private universities. So, can you think about spending that much money without any assured job? Will it be the right decision? No, never spend your money before you have earned it, and a wise person should have money in their hands. Think something innovative and create it of your own. Do a startup and spent that tuition fees on it. In the era of technology, you can start an online business from your home.

The Real World Situation is Different

Sometimes it is too late to understand the real world outside, and it is not a good sign for anyone. In the real world, you may have to work hard beyond your thinking and imagination. There may be a delay in knowing the actual ground, once you go into the comfort zone of college. So much reality is out there, which you will only know when you will come out of your comfort zone. Colleges only take exams and get the results, but the real exam is the outskirts of the college campus. What happens when you will get into the real world? You realize that life does not allow making perfect records, and no matter how much you work hard or try. Most likely, you will lose most than you win, and you can’t be perfect. After completing a bachelor’s degree program, you get out of college and get into the real world. You and your parents expect somehow you will get a great profile and high paying job with the incentives and benefits. It may be your imaginary world, nothing else because recruiters are asking for practical knowledge, skills, and work experience. The situation is the same if you want to start your own business, because without in-hand experience, subject knowledge, and expertise, how can you spend your money.

Not Interested in Studies

If you want to go college with the mind of doing for beer bongs, then you should consider dropping your idea of adopting a college education. Because maybe, you are not serious about education. Wait for the time when you will become a little bit serious about your education and earn a college degree. A college needs lots of focus and dedication to complete a degree program because if you are not serious and focused, it leads to your failure. After investing time and money, it will be the act of insanity. So, invest the time only and only when you are serious otherwise it is enough reason why not to go to college.

Don’t Want to Follow the Crowd

Now, going to a college comes in the status of the family. In some families, sending their children to top colleges for higher education is a tradition. They want their children to follow the same traditions. For example, parents force their children to take only science and technology because of lucrative career opportunities. Pursuing the same degree program and taking admission in one of the top colleges have become a prestige issue. All these things go wrong for you sometimes because you don’t follow the crowd, and it can cause depression, anxiety, and stress. Keep your words, and your area of interest in front of your parents, tell them that you want to work on your area of interest and become a successful personality. Parents should understand their children’s point of view. Everyone is different, and that’s why college isn’t for everyone.

Fewer Chances to Get A Job

Just think you spent your three to four years, your money, and now you are a graduate person. Well, you get a degree “A piece of paper can’t decide your future”, but you don’t get a job. How stressful is this, isn’t it? Actually, it is. But nowadays, after being a bachelor’s, it is very hard to get a job even after you are graduate and had good knowledge of your subjects. According to a survey done by Career Builder, they found that 32% of the college students, the people who are working, reported that they never found a job related to their subjects studied at their college level. People who are graduated are unemployed and don’t get their dream job. After wasting that much time and money, too, you feel more stress, anxiety, and other family pressure. So, it’s better to avoid college and find alternatives to college.

Student Loan Debt

Education loans are now common in higher studies if your financial condition is not very good, you prefer to take the education loan for your graduation studies. If you are not able to secure a scholarship, then there will be high-interest rates as well as the duration of repayment increases just to go to college. Isn’t one of the big reasons not to go to college? According to Forbes, America now holds $1.56 trillion in student loan debt. This amount is more than home mortgages, credit cards, home loans, and car loans. The worst part of it is that 75% of this loan was collected from 2003 to 2011. By the College Board, the average college tuition and fees per year range from $9,419-$32,410. If you take its total, then the four-year college education costs you around $100,000-$160,000. Now you know the total cost of your college education, so are you ready to be in debt for years and want to start your future career with this. Think about it.

Don’t Know What to Do

The biggest truth of most people, even in the thirties and forties, can’t understand that what I really want to do with my life even though having a college degree. After school, if you don’t know what to do with your future career, then never go to college. If you have a family business, try to continue it instead of wasting your energy in studying college. Gary Vaynerchuk, a Belarusian-American entrepreneur, and author, said that “college is fake”. There’s nothing about college that has anything to do with your professional career.

College Degree is Not Required

Nowadays, there are so many top companies, especially in the technical fields, who don’t require a bachelor’s degree for many positions. Thus, the growth is not always about the degree in hand; sometimes, it depends on your skills and capability to cop up the things around you. Having a degree in hand will help in suitable employment? It is a theory only that every people taught you since high school. Then why college grades can’t find jobs? It is just because you have zero skill. If you don’t go to college and not having a degree, then it is easy for you to work with the service industries like food, retail, customer services. Here you can cop up with your career and life both. You will learn many skills which you can teach to others too, like teamwork, efficiency, patience and time management. The skills you will take with you for the rest of your working life.

College is Not A Priority

For many students, it is their target to get admission in the top colleges. But according to the new data from the National Student Clearinghouse, which reveals that for the students, a college is not a priority anymore. National Student Clearinghouse states that college admissions are decreasing. Admissions to colleges are decreased by 1.3 percent in the fall of 2019. It is the eighth year that shows the decline of college admissions, and this is the alarming condition for colleges too. It can be a reason for you not to go to college after knowing these trends around you.

College Education is Outdated

Most colleges don’t teach anything relevant to the current scenario. They don’t offer practical training and help to build the required skills. So, in that case, becoming a graduate from college is absolutely worthless. Thus, college is a waste of time and money. In reality, when HR managers start recruitment, it becomes challenging to find qualified, skilled, and talented applicants who are recent graduates from the colleges. These entire fresher don’t have any skills, and their knowledge can’t be applied directly to the market.  In that case, companies need to provide them training, that is a costly affair, and impractical for most of the startups.

Industry Requirements will Change

It is one of the top reasons not to go to college because college degrees will be obsolete before you graduate. It means the information you learn become out of date when your graduation will complete. I am saying that the conditions seem to be like this only in the future. Automation and artificial intelligence provide new opportunities for companies to explore, and challenges are coming in front of graduates from college and universities as they have been slower to acknowledge these things at their level. We all are living in a world of media. Today, a lot of content is available online, i.e., ready for free to watch, read, and listen. Specific skills and certifications are the challenges and are opposed to college degrees. That is why you shouldn’t go to college just to take a degree.

Apprenticeships are Job Oriented

You may take the theoretical and practical classes at your school level; similarly, you will get these things in college too. But at the college level, they give you only theoretical knowledge, not practical knowledge as they are not that much interested in giving practical ideas to students. The apprenticeship helps you to work in practical ways, which make you a skilled and experienced person in that field. So, it is not compulsory to go to college. There are so many training and apprenticeships are available near you of your interest apart of going college. About 60% of the young adults are trained as apprentices in all the fields of their interest from IT, construction, manufacturing to banking jobs. Most of the apprenticeships lead to full-time jobs of their interest. One of the good reasons why college isn’t worth it.

Ideals Around You

You must know about the ideals and examples that you want to follow or whom you want to become and, of course, yes. If you go through the business tycoons in the world around you, you will surely make yourself understand that you don’t need to go college if you had something in you. Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard in 2004 during his sophomore year to work on Facebook full-time. Bill Gates, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, dropped his education to focus on the building of his company and many more Walt Disney, Dov Charney, Daniel Ek, etc.

Free Online Education

There are many new approaches to the education system which you can try on your own without going to college. You can pursue any higher education degree residing at your home only. These education approaches are really easy to access and much more affordable than universities and colleges. There are so many innovations in online education, grab it, and shape your future. Online education is becoming popular among the students. It is a leading platform where you should take the benefits of the digital world. An online learning platform known as Coursera and offers thousands of programs and teaches important skills. Coursera is not alone: Edx, Khan Academy, Udacity, UoPeople, all these platforms also provide online courses without paying single money. Many of the online courses are uploaded by the professors of top schools like Havard. The idea of taking a degree on aside takes the opportunity to work over it.

Alternatives to College

After knowing the reasons not to go to college, what to do if college isn’t for you. Are there any college alternatives? Here are the options other than college.

Become An Entrepreneur

Being in business or being in a job, what is better? Does the business need a college degree? In the current scenario, some so many people love to do a job, and some set of people like to do their own business. You need a bachelor’s degree to work in an MNC company, where a business degree is not required. You can start your business in which you are interested. This era is the prime time to get into startups of your own. You become that person who can hire others. You hold all their rights to work for you. Importantly, you hold their resign and salaries. All these can make you much more responsible and will succeed in later years. “You can be your Boss”, Start a business; grow your product brands.

Build A Brand

If you are a creative person, then as I had told you previously that you are in the world of media, so go for it. If you are passionate about music, fashion, make-up, and gadgets, then there are many options for making dollars as a blogger or YouTuber. Get a go outside, do some research, entertain others with your researches, and this is how you can some value your own identity. Education is not working because when you look at the present scenario, you find that only 27% of people actually get a job out of college that relates to what they study. – Tony Robbins

Learn Skills that Make Money

Attending college for education is worthless nowadays. There are so many courses in education which may match your interest and cheap too. Educate yourself with these short courses to enhance your interested skills. These courses lead to go jobs sometime and can be helpful for you to earn money. Learn some professional skills using free online education platforms discussed above. It can make you differentiate from the line of the crowd. Your skills are vast and diverse, so allow yourself to provide value to different sectors. You can learn –

Blogging YouTube Affiliate marketing Essay Writing Earn money Online with Google Social Media Marketing Other ways to make money

There are different other skills you can learn and startup to make money from home.

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