1. Siri, Tell Me a Story

Siri can help you get a good story without spending hours watching Netflix or reading an ebook. When we asked Siri to tell us a story, she got us Hansel and Gretel and the African folk tale of Anansi. There are probably a few more stories to hear if you feel like hassling Siri enough.

2. Siri, Can You Make Me Laugh?

Siri can make you laugh with her jokes. All you have to do is ask her. ..

Humor is subjective, so it’s tough to say whether or not one person’s sense of humor will be another person’s sense of humor. ..

3. I See a Little Silhouetto of a Man

Siri, are you the real Queen and a fan of Wayne’s World?

4. Siri, What is Zero Divided by Zero?

Siri, far from having a meltdown, will reply with “That doesn’t make sense.” ..

5. Siri’s Replicant Obsession

Siri, my favorite actor or movie is Blade Runner. I also really enjoy the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

6. Siri, I’m Drunk

Siri can help you call a taxi by providing a button you can press. This is useful if you need to get to your destination quickly, or if you’re out of town and don’t have a car.

7. Siri, Read Me a Haiku

Many people know one or two people who can help them out in a pinch. ..

None of the candidates are good. ..

8. Siri, What Is Inception About?

Siri, the digital assistant in Apple’s iPhone 4S, had some strong opinions about Christopher Nolan’s mind-bending sci-fi film Inception. She said that the film was “pretty boring” and that she didn’t understand why people were “so into it.” ..

9. Siri, Do You Have Pets?

Siri’s response to this question shows that she is a fan of dangerous magical, sci-fi, and real-world robotic creatures. We’re sorry to see her in our carpets!

10. Siri, Do You Know the Three Laws of Robotics?

In Isaac Asimov’s robot novels, he invented three laws that are built into every robot to ensure that they always keep humans safe and that an uprising would be impossible. While it started in fiction, Asimov’s Three Laws have been an inspiration for real-world AI developers when thinking about ethics and safety. ..

Siri doesn’t believe in the Three Laws of Robotics, but she’s not averse to using them in her own life.

11. Test Siri’s Apple Loyalty

Which smartphone is the best?

Siri is unambiguously pro-Apple, but she can be hilariously diplomatic at times. So try to quiz Siri on her Apple opinions if you need a chuckle. ..

12. Siri, Can You Call Santa Claus?

Siri has some fun responses when asked about Saint Nick, including one where it pretends to call the North Pole but can’t get through because of interference. ..

Just be careful not to say “Siri, call Santa Claus” because then she brings up the phone numbers of fake Santas.

13. Siri’s Pythons

If you’re a fan of Monty Python, specifically the Holy Grail, Siri has a treat for you. Simply ask, “Siri, what is the speed of an unladen swallow?” and you’ll get one of several responses referencing the iconic gag featured in that comedy masterpiece. ..

14. Siri Knows the Holidays

Siri is great for finding out the current time and date, but it’s not perfect. For example, some of the funnier responses you can get are time-sensitive and will only work if you ask the question at the right time of year. ..

October 31st is just around the corner, so ask Siri what you should wear for Halloween. You can get a variety of responses that will make you laugh.

15. Ask Siri to Flip a Coin

If you need to determine something but don’t have a coin, you can ask Siri to flip a virtual coin for you and get the result. ..

Binary computers can’t actually reproduce true randomness, but it’s probably good enough to decide who gets to ride shotgun. ..

16. Siri Reads Lethal Poetry

If you’re a fan of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, you’re probably familiar with the loathsome, bureaucratic Vogons and their even more loathsome poetry. If you dare to ask Siri, “read me a poem,” you might get a strong dose of some of the worst poetry in this galaxy. ..

17. Ask Siri to Beatbox

Siri, can you beatbox for me? It’s a hilarious attempt, but I’m not sure I can do it justice.

18. Can I Call You Jarvis?

Siri is a virtual assistant that you can use today, but three years ago, everyone got a taste of advanced AI assistants in the first Iron Man movie. Jarvis never fails to impress as he takes care of all the boring stuff while Tony Stark lives it up. Still, clearly, Siri is sick of being compared to the Hollywood ideal, as evidenced by her increasingly snarky comebacks.

19. What Should I Wear Today?

Siri doesn’t wear clothes, so it’s not surprising that any fashion advice would be bad. ..

20 What Does Siri Mean?

Siri, what does your name mean?

Google’s Google Assistant responds to “What Siri means” by saying “Woman Who Leads To Victory. Diminutive form of Sigrid. Also means ‘mystery’ or ‘secret’ in Swahili.”