Windows 10 still needs some tweaking to offer a good level of security. On top of this, Windows 10 is now also a cloud service, which means that Microsoft now also wants to collect and sell your information.

Redmond is a major city with a lot of people. If you want to keep your private information safe and private, it’s important to do something about it. That means using encryption software or using a different email address for your work and personal emails.

Use a Windows 10 Privacy Tool

Microsoft has made it difficult for users to control how their data is collected and used. There are plenty of privacy settings to play with, but most people don’t even know all the different ways that Windows 10 can spy on them or what happens with that information.

There are now a whole host of specialized tools that exist solely to help you tweak your privacy settings on the world’s most widely used operating system. Most of them are free, and allow you to customize settings Microsoft may not want you to mess with. ..

An excellent example is the aptly-named O&O ShutUp 10, which bills itself as an “antispy” tool for Windows 10. Whether you consider every toggle it offers an issue or not, it’s certainly a convenient way to take control of the Windows 10 experience. ..

Ditch Windows Defender

Windows 10 includes a built-in antivirus package that can help keep you from getting infected with malware, but if you want to take more active control of your security and want to catch a wider variety of malware, then a third-party program is the best bet.

There are both free and paid malware removal options. Some programs are designed to remove all types of malware, while others focus on specific types. If you’re happy with Windows Defender, but would like to supplement it with a more specialized tool, Malwarebytes may be a good choice. ..

Encrypt Your Hard Drive

This security measure is especially important if you keep important files on your hard drive, like photos and videos. If someone gets their hands on these files, they could potentially ruin your day or even worse.

If you’re using Windows 10, your hard drive will be automatically encrypted after installation. However, if you don’t have a TPM module on your motherboard, you can manually enable BitLocker. BitLocker is a powerful encryption solution that requires a motherboard with a TPM module to work. If your computer doesn’t have one, you’ll need to use a USB drive to host the key.

If you’re not happy with the built-in encryption options on your device, there are third-party solutions available too. These tools encrypt your data so that you can sleep better at night. ..

Push UAC To the Max

Windows UAC or User Account Control is a security feature of the Windows operating system that helps protect your computer from unauthorized changes. For example, when you try to install a new program, UAC will dim the screen and ask you to OK the installation before it runs the software.

UAC is a security feature that will warn you about potential threats to your computer, such as hackers and malicious software.

If you’re adventurous and like to try new things, then it’s important to be aware of the security risks that come with doing so. One way to protect yourself is by changing your default settings and using software to help you stay safe. To do this, just press the Windows Key and search for “UAC”. ..

Battening Down the Hatches

Windows 10 is an excellent operating system with fantastic security support from Microsoft. However, it’s also important to know that you can still control how much the developer can poke their nose into your system. This means that if you don’t want developers to be able to see everything that’s going on in your computer, you can do this by using a custom Windows 10 installation.

This article discusses how to improve your computing experience by using security features.