This is the era of technology. Humans are increasing their intellectual power using this technology. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are making machines more intelligent. Both of these technologies are being used, and bringing the legitimate traffic to a website has become a challenge. You must target the right audience to sell your product or service. It is required to understand what people are looking for and how you can provide the same solution. How will you know where your target audience is? If somewhere is your audience, then the next challenge is to attract them to your product or service. Do you know how to attract your audience? We should be thankful for the internet and search engines like Google that are helping businesses to achieve targeted traffic. It is interesting to know that 93% of online businesses are successful all because of Google search. It may be surprising, but if a brand link is ranking in the first position, then there is only a 33% chance of being clicked. Only the right digital marketing agency can help you to rank your brand link at the first position in Google Search.

5 Tips to Skyrocket Your Website Traffic

It doesn’t matter; you will hire an SEO expert or practice SEO, but learn the following incredible SEO tips. Implementing these tips can skyrocket your website traffic, which is important for digital success on the internet.

1. Double Check Your On-page Optimization

On-page optimization is an old technique but still important. You must check your website, or a page has been optimized for the desired keyword. Yoast calls it “focus keyword”. The focus keyword is a primary keyword on which you want to rank your website or blog post. You must double-check if your focus keyword is present in the title, article, permalink, alt tag of image, meta description, etc. Keyword stuffing should be avoided. Don’t over-optimize your content. It may cause a Google penalty. Learn about How to Write SEO Optimized Text? You must use a long-tail keyword and its LSI. An experienced digital marketing agency will encourage you to use long-tail keywords instead of short-tail keywords. It is an interesting fact that long-tail keyword search queries are increasing exponentially. You must practice White hat SEO and optimize your content more interactively. Keyword density is one of the important factors to consider while doing on-page optimization. Yoast recommends up to 2.5% keyword density, but other SEO experts are recommending more than 4% or up to 10%. Google constantly denies the role of keyword density, and they are not going to tell whether it is a ranking signal or not. Learn How to Understand Keywords in Searcher Context We recommend Yoast SEO premium plugin for a WordPress-based website. Yoast SEO is the best plugin for on-page SEO optimization, but it is also used for readability analysis. Check this infographic to understand the Do’s and Dont’s of On-Page SEO.

Never hire a cheap SEO agency. It is a time of high competition. You must hire an SEO specialist with the most exceptional talent to build backlinks from high-ranking authority websites. If you can do backlink building like a ninja, then you can write a success story in SEO. Backlink building is important, but you must know where you are creating your link. A backlink that can benefit is a good backlink. It will help to rank you in search engines. While on the other hand, some of the backlinks may be harmful to your website. These are called bad backlinks. A backlink from high-authority websites is always considered as a good backlink. I can take a few names for you; these are Forbes, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, HuffPost, NYTimes, and so on. To know the authority of a website, you can use MOZ or Ahrefs. These are providing a pretty good overview of a website in terms of authority. A website with a good domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) can be considered as a high-authority website. When doing a guest post on a blog, then you must consider its DA and PA. You can check the DA and PA of a website using the MOZ website (Paid) or a third-party Moz domain authority checker tool (Free). These tools help to get accurate data. Doing backlink building only for the homepage of the website does not work after the roll-out of the fourth release of Google Penguin. It is required to build backlink for individual landing pages or blog posts. Backlink monitoring is also critical of backlink building. You can track the backlink drop using Ahrefs and Moz. Ahrefs tells the backlink drop in real-time, while Moz is also updating drop and discovered backlinks at regular intervals. After adding a backlink to a high-authority website, your traffic on a particular page can grow. But, if web traffic drops, then you must check whether your backlink is there or not. If your backlink is present on that page, then there is a chance of a Google penalty. It is a must to keep the focus on quality backlinks instead of the number of backlinks. Some of the traditional backlink building techniques do not work. Update yourself and learn new techniques of backlink building. You can use infographics, develop interesting widgets, link baiting tactics, send roundups, or do guest posting.

3. Start Pitching for Guest Post of Different Blogs

I believe you are a smart webmaster. Guest blogging is now quite popular. Everybody knows why it is so important. It can give exposer to your website and can drive more targeted traffic, which can lead to more conversion. Do guest blogging only on legitimate websites. You can take advantage of their fan club and web traffic. It is only required to provide a quality guest post. Your article must be of high-quality, useful, and interesting to their audience. So, why are you waiting, start pitching bloggers in your niche? If you can write an article assigned by blog admin, it can save your money. Otherwise, you can hire a professional content writer and ask them to create an article for you. Some of the guest blogging websites may charge for writing a custom article and promoting your brand link. Such a blog post is known as a paid post or a sponsored post. Your article should be unique and interactive. Add your brand link within the article naturally. Are you looking for guest post opportunities? You can search on Google, or we will bring a list of websites where you can submit your guest posts.

4. Pay Special Attention to the Rank Brain Technology

Google always takes action against black hat SEO techniques. Finally, Google rolled out an algorithm called the Rank Brain. This algorithm uses AI and machine learning to crawl websites. The Rank Brain helps Google to serve useful content to the respective audience. For a particular search query, Google Search always tries to show the best and useful content. Thus, if you want to rank your website for a keyword, then you must think of the user context. Google Search will only show your website or blog post is a search result for a particular query if your web page has relevant content. Google monitors the bounce rate and click-through rate of a landing page to analyze whether your content is relevant to a particular search query or not. Several tools, such as the Google Keyword Planner, KeywordTool, KWFinder, Keyword Revealer, SEMRush, Ahrefs, Moz, etc. can be used to find relevant keywords to rank your website. Most of these tools suggest topics that you should cover to make your website more relevant to your audience/visitors/readers. Also, it is a must to update your content regularly. Stay up to date yourself for the latest trends and changes to better rank your website for a keyword.

5. Tweet Your Post on Twitter at least 6 Times

Whether you write articles on your website or do guest blogging on some reputed website. In any case, it is recommended to tweet the post on Twitter at least six times with relevant keywords and blog post links. If you don’t know the importance of a particular tweet, it is a must to through an interesting article published by Wisemetrics.

This graph is taken from a blog post of Wisemetrics. It is clear that the performance scale of a tweet is gradually decreasing, but the second time it is 87%, and the sixth time it is almost 67%. Isn’t enough good results? You can notice the performance of the tweet is still above 50%. Now, you can understand the importance of a retweet. It will increase the targeted traffic towards a website. You will be surprised, but the average life span of a single tweet is almost 24 minutes. Therefore, tweet at least six times to reach a broad audience to increase the conversion. You can schedule/reschedule tweets on specific times using CoSchedule, HootSuite, or other similar tools. Fortunately, bulk uploading of tweets is possible now. If you are hiring an SEO agency, then ask them for such tools. Webmasters, above are my five important tips to skyrocket your website traffic.

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