As our social and professional lives become ever more digitized, the average person needs to be constantly learning new skills. If you’re a parent, your kids are growing up in an online world that simply didn’t exist when you were their age. ..

  1. Make sure your family knows how to use technology safely and securely.
  2. Educate your children about the risks associated with technology use and how to protect themselves.
  3. Keep track of your family’s tech usage and security habits so you can be proactive about it.
  4. Be aware of the latest cyber threats and take steps to protect yourself and your family from them.
  5. Stay up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity news and trends so you can stay safe online!

Have “The Talk” With Your Family

There are a few things you can do to make sure your cybersecurity setup is as strong as possible, but the most important thing is to have a good human relationship with your team. You need to be able to trust them and be open to their suggestions. If you can’t, your cybersecurity setup will be much weaker.

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones from cybercrime. First, be aware of the most common attacks and be sure to email or post updates on the latest scams, attachments and other threats. Additionally, keep your family safe by using common security measures like two-factor authentication and encrypting your files.

If you’re worried about your loved ones’ safety online, make sure they understand the risks and how to protect themselves. If they can’t understand the risks or take steps to protect themselves, it’s too early for them to use your home’s internet connection without supervision. ..

When something seems strange or off, tell your friends and family. If you can, take pictures or videos of the scene to document what you see.

Secure The Local Environment

Piggybacking can be a way for someone to get access to your local network, even if you’re not using it. This can be done by connecting to someone else’s WiFi without their knowledge. This can be done by piggybacking on the connection of another person, even if they’re not using it.

If you’re connected to a local network, anyone can access any devices on that network. If they haven’t been configured correctly, they might be able to steal files from local drives or network-attached storage. Malware could also be installed on your network by rogue users.

Make sure your router is set to the highest WiFi security standard supported. Make sure that your WiFi key is a proper strong key and not something like myWiFi123. The same goes for the admin password to access your router settings. Don’t leave it with the default password!

You may want to whitelist specific devices so that even if a rogue device connects, it won’t get access to anything.

Set Up a Guest Network

Many routers offer the option to create a guest network these days. If you have a friend or family member who needs internet access but isn’t part of your trusted circle, you can create a guest network on their router. This way, they can still get the internet without having to worry about being in your home.

This is a second WiFi hotspot that allows for direct internet access, but cuts that user off from the rest of the local network. This is the WiFi connection to use with visitors if at all possible.

Configure All Your Mobile Devices Properly

The security vulnerability of our smartphones and tablets is that they are not secure. They are not protected by the same level of security as our houses or cars. They are not meant to be used as a personal communication device. They are just for making calls and sending texts and pictures. But they can be used to access sensitive information, like your bank account or your health records, if someone gets hold of them.

If you don’t have a passcode or full disk encryption enabled on your smart devices, anyone who steals or temporarily grabs them might be able to access your information and use it to harm you. ..

Use Content Restriction Tools

Do you want to protect your family members’ privacy? It’s a difficult question, but there’s no doubt that plenty of the content found on the web is simply not suitable for children or teenagers. Would you be comfortable invading their privacy if you knew which websites they were visiting? It’s a tricky question, but it’s clear that plenty of websites are not appropriate for children or teenagers.

Custom safe browsing DNS services let you browse the internet without worrying about being blocked by your family’s home proxy server. This makes it easier for you to find the content you need, and keeps your family safe from potential cyber threats.

When you type in an internet address, your computer sends a request to the DNS server. This DNS server looks up the IP address for the website you are trying to visit. ..

Your internet service provider has a DNS that is automatically configured, but you can log into your router and manually override which DNS it should use. You can pay for a subscription-based custom DNS service that automatically blocks web content you don’t want your family members accessing. Depending on the specific service, you can block whole classes of site and also specifically block a custom list of sites.

Some internet service providers offer this service as part of your existing subscription, so it’s worth checking if that’s the case before paying any additional money.

Streetwise For The 21st Century

The internet has made it easier for people to get information about the world they don’t have to go out and find it. This has created a new type of danger for children- the danger of being taken advantage of by someone they know.

Family members of all ages need to become streetwise in a way that’s appropriate to the 21st century and the 4th Industrial Revolution. It doesn’t have to be hard, but it does have to be done.