Android smartphones are getting better and better at using less battery, but there are still some things you can do to help conserve power. ..

Tips to Reduce Battery Draining on Android

  1. Keep your smartphone’s battery healthy by regularly charging it.
  2. Avoid using your smartphone in high-power modes, such as playing games or using the camera.
  3. Turn off unnecessary features when not in use, such as Bluetooth and location services. ..

Use Dark Themed Wallpapers

Most of the battery is used on the display and screen, especially in cases of a dark-colored theme or wallpaper. When using an AMOLED or OLED screen, pixels that are black do not consume battery at all. This helps to reduce battery drain on your smartphone drastically.

  • Keep your phone idle for a short amount of time to save power

Adjust Brightness Manually

Most people are not very diligent when it comes to adjusting the brightness on their smartphones, which is one of the reasons why they keep it to the device to handle the brightness levels. However, this can be easily adjusted in the Scroll down Menu itself, and it is easy so take some time to adjust brightness yourself. This will significantly reduce battery draining.

Use Power Saver Mode

The majority of smartphones have a “Power Saver” or “Battery Saver” mode that turns off high battery consumption services like GPS antenna on your phone and other stuff. So, if you know you won’t be able to charge your phone for a while, it’s better to use the Power Saver mode on your smartphone. ..

Charging Cycles

The lithium battery manufacturers say that the battery of any smartphone degrades by 20-percent after 400 charging cycles. One charging cycle is completed when you change your phone to 100-percent or a total sum of 100-percent(For example, if you will charge your phone to 50-percent and then again charge it to 50-percent later, it will complete oncharging cycle). Also, it is observed that the battery is the healthiest when it is around 50-percent charged. So do not completely charge your smartphone or let it completely discharged too. Just keep it around 50-percent.

Check App Usage

Just go to the settings of an app and find the option of battery usage or battery consumptions. Observe which apps consume more battery and which ones need to use a lot of battery. If an app consumes too much battery, uninstall it or find a suitable alternative for it.

Turn off Sounds and Notifications from Non-Frequently Used Apps

It is advised that you just turn off the notifications from the apps that you do not use quite frequently. The thing is that these apps send you notifications that are probably useless for the majority of the time and you end up unlocking your smartphone and clear the notification or go to the app and this consumes some unnecessary screen time. Another thing is that these use notification lights and sound too. So, it’s better to just turn off the notifications from the apps that you do not use frequently.

Android devices can be power-hungry, especially when used for intensive tasks like gaming or streaming video. Here are some tips to help conserve battery life:

  1. Use the battery saver mode on your Android device. This will reduce the amount of work your device does and will help you conserve battery life.

  2. Turn off notifications and alerts when you’re not using them. These can drain your battery quickly.

  3. Keep your Android device’s screen brightness low when you’re not using it. This will save energy and keep your battery healthy. ..

  4. The MindReader – A mental health app that helps you readjust your daily routine to better manage your mental health.

  5. The Health App – A health and fitness app that offers tips and advice on a variety of topics, including diet, exercise, and stress management.

  6. The Wellness App – A wellness app that offers advice on how to improve your overall health and well-being.

  7. The Sleep Tracker – An app that helps you track the amount of sleep you’ve had each night and see how well you’re doing overall sleep wise.

  8. The Weather App – An app that provides weather information for the United States and Canada, as well as global weather conditions for this specific time period.

  9. The Camera App – An app that allows users to take pictures and videos with their smartphones using various features such as face detection, HDR, panorama, slow motion, etcetera.

  10. My Fitness Pal – An online fitness tracker that allows users to track their physical activity levels, calories burned, distance walked/runed/jogged/climbed/skied/etcetera