There are many resources and tools that you can find on the web to self-train in Python programming. We put together a list of the best websites that you can use to learn Python online.

1. The Official Python Tutorial

Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a variety of tasks. In this article, we’ll look at some tips and tricks from the Python creators to help beginners learn the language effectively. This will help make sure you learn every concept before moving on to the next stage. While Python is not as fast-paced as some other languages, it’s still relatively easy to learn if you take your time. ..

The Python website is a great place to start learning Python if you’re a beginner. The language creators made a tutorial that you can use to learn the basics of the language.

The Python Tutorial is more suitable for beginners than people who already have experience in programming. It’s slowly paced with clear imagery and plenty of time to get the hang of every topic. However, if you’re not new to this, you might find the tutorial a little too slow.

2. CodeWars

PythonCoding puzzles are a great way to test your programming knowledge and learn from others. They are divided into categories by their difficulty, so you can find the puzzle that is right for you. ..

The CodeWars is a set of puzzles that can help you test your existing Python knowledge and assess your strengths and weaknesses before continuing your learning process.

In CodeWars, the puzzles are called katas and they are categorized according to their difficulty levels. Once you complete a puzzle, you can check how other people solve them and learn from their solutions.

3. FreeCodeCamp – Python Tutorials on YouTube

A great YouTube playlist for those who prefer visual means of learning is a great way to get started with Python. There are short and medium-length videos that are easy to follow, and you can learn Python basics in one full 4-hour long course. ..

FreeCodeCamp is a great resource for learning programming. They offer courses on a variety of topics, including Python, DevOps, Java, C++, and more. You can access their courses at any time and choose how quickly you want to learn. ..

The Python video playlist at FreeCodeCamp is packed with tutorials that will help you learn the basics of Python. Starting with the main video, this playlist has a 4-hour long full-course on Python for beginners.

4. SoloLearn 

This Python course is perfect for solo learning. It is divided into modules, starting from the beginner-friendly basics and gradually moving to the more advanced stuff. Every module ends with a quiz for you to check your knowledge.

SoloLearn is a platform that allows users to learn new information by following a specific course path. The platform consists of 10 different modules, each of which focuses on a different topic. The first module is the basics of Python programming.

SoloLearn is a learning platform that will help you learn Python step by step, without rushing you into a new learning environment that you may not be ready for. ..

5. A Byte of Python

Python is a powerful programming language that is straight to the point. The author doesn’t waste time and provides you with all the necessary information to learn Python. This makes it perfect for complete beginners.

If you’re a beginner or someone who has never programming before, this book might not be the best choice for you.

Python is an excellent language to learn, but it can be a little too fast for some people. This book provides a more in-depth look at the language, so that you can learn it more effectively.

6. Real Python Tutorials

The website provides user-friendly tutorials with clear illustrations on all topics. The website also features a search function for easy navigation. ..

This site is more like a blog about Python programming, where you learn each topic by going through blog posts one by one.

Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a variety of tasks, from simple scripts to more complex applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Python user, Real Python has everything you need to get started. ..

7. Learn X in Y minutes 

The best online resource for learning Python is the Python Academy. It offers a 15-minute video course that teaches you the syntax of the Python language. Additionally, it has a great community that is always willing to help you learn more about Python.

Python is an easy-to-use programming language that can be used to create sophisticated software. This online resource has a section on Python programming, which will help you learn the basics of this language. You’ll need some previous programming experience to appreciate this course’s substance.

This Python tutorial is great because you can read through the information in less than 15 minutes and be familiar with Python. After that, you’ll already be comfortable with Python and will be able to dive in deeper using a different learning source with more confidence.

8. Fix Exception

PythonLearn is a great way to learn Python from experienced programmers. By following their uploaded solutions, you can easily fix exceptions and earn Bitcoin.

Fix Exception is an excellent website for those who want to learn to use Python through practice. Their approach is called the fix exception method. The website’s goal is to solve exceptions found in different PIP packages. As anyone can access the detailed exception fixes that get uploaded on the website, this is an excellent opportunity for a beginner Python programmer to learn from the experts.

If you’re interested in becoming an expert on Bitcoin, Fix Exception is a great place to start. You can earn Bitcoin by solving exceptions on the site.

Want to Learn Python? Google It!

Each of the websites on this list is an excellent alternative to taking a programming class. When learning Python online, you’re in charge of how fast or slow you move through the course and which topics you need to cover.

If you’re looking for a more structured learning experience, Google’s Python class is a great option. It’s free for anyone with some programming experience, and it’ll teach you the basics of Python. ..