Different file types can have different file extensions. For example, an Excel spreadsheet might have the .xls extension, while a macro-containing Excel file might have the .xlsm extension. ..

If you understand all of the Excel file extensions, you’ll be able to save your file in the File Save dialogue box.

Why Excel File Extensions Matter

The Excel file extension provides important information about an Excel spreadsheet before you open it. It also lets you organize the files you save into your directories as template files, macro-enabled files, and more. By looking at the Excel file extension, you can know more about the Excel spreadsheet and what it is used for.

-The name of the file -The type of file -The size of the file -The date and time the file was created

This is a question about a file that was saved with an older version of Excel. It may be that the file format is based on XML documents or binary, but the general legacy version was saved with Excel. If this is the case, we need to determine whether or not macros are included in the file.

You can see all of the file extensions in Excel by selecting File from the menu, select Save As, and then select the file type dropdown under the File Name field.

Each file type has a descriptive name that helps with understanding what the file extension is for. ..

Excel File Extensions By Version

xlsx, xls, xlsm, xlsxm, xlsmi, The second group of file extensions are related to which software the worksheet was opened with. The following extension types are connected to the software shown here: exe, cmd, acrobat, Adobe Acrobat Reader

Microsoft Excel 97-2003: *.xls Microsoft Excel 97-2003 template: *.xlt Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook: *.xls Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-in: *.xlam Microsoft Works: *.xlr

Excel 2007 and later default to the *.xlsx format, which is a newer, more efficient format. ..

Excel 2007 onwards introduced a new default file extension for any Excel file - *.xlsx. This change has caused some confusion among users as to which files should be saved as *.xlsx and which should be saved as *.xls. The good news is that you can change the default file extension for any Excel file by using the File > Save As command. This will allow you to save your files in either the new *.xlsx format or the old *.xls format, whichever you prefer. ..

The Differences Between XLS Vs XLSX

Microsoft’s decision to switch to the XLSX extension for its Excel 2007 spreadsheet software was a strategic move that reflected the company’s shift to a more modern, user-friendly interface. While the change may seem superficial, it has had a significant impact on Microsoft’s business.

Binary Interchange File Format is a proprietary file format created by Microsoft that stores Excel spreadsheets in an easily readable format. ..

Microsoft Excel 2007 changes the default to the Office Open XML format, which is a method of saving spreadsheet information in an XML file.

The advantages of switching to this new method of saving Excel spreadsheet information are many. The most important advantage is that it is more efficient than the old way of saving data. Excel saves data in a variety of different formats, which can make it difficult to find and use the information you need. With this new method, you can easily save the data in a format that is easier to use and understand.

Open XML files are easier to work with and can be manipulated by other programs, which makes them more extensible. They are also less susceptible to corruption, meaning you can store more data in a smaller file. XLSX files are 75 percent smaller than XLS files, according to Microsoft. ..

The older default Excel format is more efficient and easier to use than the new XLS format.

The first is that Excel files tend to save and open faster. Secondly, Excel files with the XLS extension can be opened on every version of Excel, no matter how old.

Other Excel File Extensions

Excel file extensions can be a little confusing, but once you understand the difference between XLS and XLSX, it’s a lot easier to decipher what all of the other file extensions mean. ..

Excel files can be in either the XML or binary formats, and they can also support macros. The older version of Excel files (xlsb) only support macros, while the newer version (xltx) supports both XML and binary formats. Finally, the template file format is xltm. ..

Excel Template Files

One popular Excel template is the Sheets.js sheet template. This sheet template is designed to be easy to use and has a lot of features that make it a great choice for creating spreadsheets.

To create a template, you just need to set up your formatting, layouts, and other aspects of your worksheet that you don’t want to recreate every time. Then save the file with one of the Excel file extensions listed above for template format.

You can find templates for everything from financial reports to marketing materials.

Opening Other File Types

If you want to open a file in Excel that has an .xls extension, you can do so by selecting the option from the file type drop-down list.

This is because Excel can read and write files in a variety of non-Microsoft file formats.

Any spreadsheets from applications that stored the sheets in XML Spreadsheet 2003 format, or straight XML formatted data files.

Depending on the version of Excel you’re using, not all file types will be available when you save or open files. ..