When you work with the best tools and utilize the best practices, you could expect a great-quality feature-rich website in no time. For example- if you have the required knowledge of what PHP code smells are, you could easily ensure quality coding to the websites. Therefore, it is most important to know the best Magento tools for the developers who are involved in the Magento website development. Here is the list of the best Magento development tools that could be utilized when developing e-commerce websites. #1 Xdebug Xdebug is by far the best tool for debugging the PHP codes. The development tool uses the DBGp debugging protocol. This tool can be utilized to offer profiling information for PHP scripts as well as code coverage analysis. It also provides the capabilities to debug your scripts with an interactive approach with debugger front-end. This development tool can also furnish the information that includes complete parameter display for user defined function.

#2 Magento Developer Toolbar This excellent Magento module is a creation to find the bottleneck in all the possible processes that are taking place in the development phase. The Magento toolbar offers the developers the information about the number of queries executed, memory consumption as well as parse time. The utilization of the tool can also help in providing the necessary information to the developers about the module and the actions that are responsible for the current request. The extension is free and provides a complete overview of the templates that are used.

#3 Enhanced Admin Product Grid As one of the best Magento development tools, Enhanced admin product grid helps in the product search to let the customers find the desired item over the e-commerce websites. With the help of this amazing development tool, developers can create easy display options for visitors to accomplish their search in a better manner. Magento web developers can also utilize this tool to highlight the bunch of product rows. This tool is also excellent to show the product thumbnail images in the catalogue product grid.

#4 FireGento_Debug The installation of FireGento_Debug on the Magento e-commerce websites help add debugging functionality to the websites. The extensive helps analyze the list of all installed modules with all their dependencies, activation as well as for deactivation of non-core modules. In addition to this, the tool is known to provide logging interface for Chromephp, Firelogger, and FirePHP. The tool can be downloaded for free to get the benefits. #5 Z-ray for Magento The tool is great for the developers as it helps them optimize, monitor as well as debug the Magento website for outstanding performance. With the help of Z-ray tool, developers get the ability to analyze Magento applications deeply and find out the flaws when developing the web pages. This tool offers new opportunities to the developers that include the capability of detecting, analyzing and fixing the issues at early stages. Issues related to database queries as well as page request analysis can also be fixed with the help of this tool.

#6 Store Maintenance The tool is excellent when it comes to putting storeview distinctly into the maintenance mode. It is easy to be configured from backend that reduces the efforts of hacking any of the files (such as index.php) on your server. Different versions of this tools have distinct features among which comment adding option is one noteworthy. More to it, some versions also offer the facility of custom maintenance page to define each store. In addition to it, some of the versions are utilized by developers to define the list of IP addresses that are allowed to access the frontend.

#7 Percona Toolkit Having Percona Toolkit at your Magento development toolkit signifies that you are well updated with your database server. The Percona Toolkit is a smart collection of advanced command in-line tools that support the staff while they perform a variety of MySQL and system tasks, which are otherwise too complex to perform manually. These tools are professionally developed, tested formally as well as documented completely.

#8Watir Watir, an awesome testing tool stands for web application testing in Ruby. This tool is amazing as it significantly checks the results to confirm whether expected text appears on the page. It also helps in the easy link clicks and filling in forms. As an open source testing tool, “Watir” pronounced “water” can easily be downloaded for free and used.

#9 Magetool This excellent development tool offers the developers the chance to get additional Zend framework tools created to utilize the same when Magento website development is in progress. The tool has been created to help in reducing the number of repetitive tasks that developers perform during the development phase. By utilizing this tool, the web developers get relief from switching constantly between Magento admin and MYSQL tools. Developers can simply run the command to improve the workflow significantly.

#10 Modman Inspired by Magento, this excellent productivity tool helps users to mix their extension files throughout the core code directory. With the help of this tool, the users have also the opportunity to specify the mapping of the text file in the desired directories. This tool helps in maintaining the symlinks so that it becomes easy for them to deploy the file code.

Above explained Magento tools can help you gain effective information that is required by the web developers prior they offer Magento web development services to the clients. The use of listed tools can help them add creative features to the website.

Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 34Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 8Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 84Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 19Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 64Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 56Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 88Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 58Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 75Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 88Best Magento Development Tools   Extensions To Create Online Portals - 4