If you’re browsing the Internet while online in The Netherlands, you run the risk of hackers breaching your computer to steal credit card information or personal information without you even realizing it. How are hackers getting through your defense system? Are there any ways that are 100% foolproof to stop them? We’ll solve those two questions in this blog about keeping what you do online your own business.

How Hackers Violate Your Privacy

Hackers and cyber-criminals are everywhere, and where they are not, their creation are. Hacker release millions of pieces of malware daily to infiltrate systems through emails, social media, and fake websites. Some of the most common ways hackers can breach your system include:

How to Secure your Online Privacy

There are lots of ways to stay safe online, but the simplest solutions are the best. Huge corporations have spent an arm and a leg on massive security investments only to have them exposed by mistakes as simple as stolen credentials and unsealed back doors into systems. Worms: These are viruses that don’t need a host file. They don’t do any actual damage, they just steal resources and open the door for future infections. Viruses: The most well-known and perhaps the most dangerous as they are self-replicating, meaning they could theoretically go on forever if not stopped by some sort of Internet security. In-Person Attacks: These are never attacks on your person, but rather on your personal devices. Some are committed by IT professionals with ulterior motives, others are hackers who will set up shop in areas where there is a public Wifi network set up, to spy on users or even set up a phony network to direct all traffic to their own computer.

The first thing you need in place is quality virus protection. Without it, all sorts of malicious programs and files will infiltrate your system, steal your data,  corrupt your files, and generally make your life miserable. The second necessity is a strong firewall. Firewalls are a bit like the air-conditioning filters in your attic. They catch anything that is obviously not supposed to be entering the system and keep it quarantined until it can be reviewed. A firewall is smart enough to see when access to the system does not corroborate with what is typically expected in your system.

VPNs take encrypt data at your end and send it to the remote computer, where it is downloaded. That computer then assigns your data packets an IP address resembling one of its home country before sending it to the websites you wish to visit. As you download information back to your computer, the remote computer will receive it then encrypt it before transmitting it back to your computer. Once there, your VPN client will download the information and you can view it at your leisure.

1. NordVPN

Ruler of the roost for VPNs might be NordVPN, which has a tremendous array of servers, not to mention fantastic customer service in place

2. Private VPN

Private VPN is one of the best choices if you’re really interested in quality security. It has built-in leak protection as well as a kill switch, plus a strict no-log policy and 2048-bit encryption.

3. Trust.Zone

If you are in the market for a VPN, a good starting point is Trust.Zone, which has unlimited speed, unlimited bandwidth, and a kill switch that disconnects if from the Internet should the VPN connection fail.