One of the first things I learned for making money with amazon associates was that I had to broaden my niche a little bit each month to increase sales. I found making money with amazon affiliate program is simple. For example, I had a hair loss website, so I sold hair loss products for men, for women, hair concealers, shampoos, and wigs to appeal to many different types of customers.
The other thing I recommend doing is trying to become active in various sub-niches that are related to your niche. I used my hair loss example above, and you should apply that to whatever products it is you are marketing.
2. Promote Products that Are AT LEAST 4 Star Rated
3. Make Sure Your Niche is Profitable
Sometimes your market might not be online as much as you anticipated. The best thing to do is find a profitable angle to your niche or to switch niches altogether. I am not usually one for telling someone to start over, but there are certain areas where you might struggle no matter what.
4. Best Conversion Method? A Real Honest Review
I ended up pretty much just selling people the one product, and my website became a hit. I was able to reach most customers who were looking for more information on this product, and it sold very well. If you are genuinely passionate about something and if you believe in something, then it will come through in your review. When I wrote the review for this product, I included my pictures of the product and my experience using the product. Give me a better way of converting, and I will gladly replace this step, but I have not found it yet.
5. Build an Email List With a Free Giveaway
Let’s say you have a website about getting rid of acne. You are reviewing products and writing articles around certain keywords, but just not seeing the success you thought you might. Now, you have customers, but people are not buying enough for you to be profitable. What do you do next? The best thing to do is give away something for free and get a subscriber in exchange. I currently use the Mailchimp for my email marketing needs, and the results have been tremendous. If you are in the acne niche, you can write a free report on “Foods that prevent acne” or “10 Tips to Never Get Another Pimple”, and people would gladly give away their email in exchange for the report. Then you can send out updates to your blog, and new product offers to people on your email list. You could also try to incorporate coupons and special offers for members who subscribe to your newsletter. What you will find is that your subscribers will eventually become customers for the long haul. Now, you mustn’t add TOO many links, but there should be at least 5 scattered throughout the article. You should also link every single image to the affiliate page.
7. Sell More to Make More
Those who sell more products are rewarded for their behavior. It is also why I said to offer lower prices products earlier because not only will you make more sales, and you will make more off each sale as well. There are certain restrictions on this chart, but for the most part, it would apply to any niche type affiliate website.
8. Provide Discount Codes & Deals
If you are promoting any product & if you provide discount coupons or deals, then there is an excellent chance of conversion because people love discounts when shopping for their favorite product.
The next is getting every customer to eventually become a subscriber to your list so you can keep them updated at all times. Please leave your comments below and let me know what you think about the article. If you have any other tips, please give them below and feel free to link back to your website. Thanks for reading my blog post!