Windows Media Player has a built-in support for playing AVI files, but you can still run into problems. In this article, I’ll talk about the reasons why an AVI video may fail to play and what you can do to fix the issue.

Understanding AVI Format

AVI is a container format created by Microsoft in 1992 that allows for the playback of audio and video data streams in sync. This means that if you want to watch a movie or listen to music while you work, you’ll need to use AVI files.

This is an important distinction because the video or audio stream inside the AVI container can be different depending on the codec used. For example, a video stream could be compressed using DivX, Xvid, H.264, VP9 or MPEG-4 codecs. This difference can affect how well the video or audio will play on different devices.

Windows Media Player may not be able to play a video stream that uses a more modern codec if the codec is not supported by Windows Media Player. ..

Windows Media Player is a program that can be used to watch videos. There are different ways to watch videos, but one way is to use Windows Media Player. If you do not have Windows Media Player, then you can convert the video to another format like MP4 or WMV. Another way to watch videos is by using a different media player like VLC. VLC already supports pretty much every codec out there.

This guide will provide an in-depth understanding of all the codecs, container formats and transcoding that are important for video production. By understanding these concepts, you can create high-quality videos that look great and are easy to edit.

Newer Version of WMP

Windows 10 is a newer version of Windows that might help fix your problem. Upgrading Windows will give you a newer version of WMP.

If you are running Windows XP or Windows Vista, the latest version that will work on those operating systems is Windows Media Player 11. If are running Windows 7 or higher, then you are running the latest version, which is 12. Version 12 can play the most formats including MP4, MOV, AAC, H.264 and M2TS.

If you are running Vista or XP, it’s probably worth upgrading and not just because you get a slightly better version of Windows Media Player! Unfortunately, XP and Vista users will have to pay to upgrade their machines to Windows 10 or invest in a new machine.

If you’re using an older operating system, there are still some solutions to help you out.

Convert AVI Video

If you cannot play a video on your Windows Media Player, you can try converting it to another format that is supported.

To convert a video for playback on a Windows computer, you can use the free program HandBrake. HandBrake uses the H.264 codec to convert videos into MP4 format, which is playable on most Windows computers. If you’re using Vista or XP, you won’t be able to play videos converted with HandBrake using the built-in media player WMP 11. You’ll need to upgrade to WMP 12 or use a third-party media player like VLC. ..

If you have a AVI file that uses a codec not supported in WMP 12, you can try to convert it to a different format. ..

It’s really easy to use HandBrake. Just click on the Source button, then click on File and browse to the location of your AVI file.

If you want to convert a video file into an MP4 file, you can do so by clicking the Start button and leaving everything as is. Your file will be converted into an MP4 in the same directory as the original video file.

Install Codec Packs or Use VLC

If you’re using Windows Media Player, there’s only one other option: to download a codec pack. This used to be very common, but it’s not so common these days.

When downloading codec packs, be sure to use a different player than the one you are using currently. Some of the packs contain malware, viruses, and other harmful files that will damage your computer. I highly recommend using VLC media player instead of any of these packs.

If you’re looking to download codecs for Windows Media Player, I’ve put together a guide that will show you how.

Corrupt AVI File

If you’re having trouble playing a video file, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure the file is properly encoded using the right codec. If that doesn’t work, you might need to try using a third-party repair tool. ..

If the AVI files are not corrupt, then it could be a problem with WMP itself. There are a couple of more possible solutions below.

Windows Media Player Issues

If you have an older version of Windows Media Player, you can improve your experience by adding the type WMP to the options list. This will make it easier to play media files with WMP.

If you have AVI videos playing, but the file types tab says they are not supported, make sure that AVI is selected in the list.

Another solution is to use system restore to go back to a previous system state. If WMP was able to play your AVI file previously, but now can’t, a system restore might solve the issue.

If you turned off or disabled System Restore, then keep reading. If you want to enable System Restore, just click on the System Restore button.

SFC /scannow ..

Windows Media Player is not able to play AVI files.