Apps like Waze and Google Maps have become more popular in recent years because they allow users to get directions and find information without having to speak to a human. These apps are especially helpful for people who are unfamiliar with a new area or who are driving. ..

Why Go Digital

According to ABA Banking Journal, two-thirds of Americans prefer digital banking channels to traditional channels (e.g., bank branches, ATMs). In our digital age, keeping track of cash and paper records like bills and receipts is probably feels less natural and more burdensome to modern consumers.

There are several free and subscription-based apps available that codify the knowledge and manual work of budgeting and expense tracking tasks so you can accomplish them with ease–including Clarity, EveryDollar and Mint.

There are a number of different apps available to manage your finances, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Let’s take a look at what each of the apps has to offer. Each app has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the one that will work best for you. ..

Clarity – For Web and Mobile

But what if you don’t have a regular budget? What if you’re not sure how much money you need to save each month? What if your regular expenses are just too high for you to afford to save money each month? That’s where a budget is so important. A budget is a plan of how much money you’ll need to save each month in order to cover your regular expenses. It can help you figure out how much money you need to save each month in order to have enough left over for your next paycheck.

Clarity is an app that helps you track your expenses and see where you can cut back. By using the app, you can see where you can save money and make better choices for your budget.

Goldman Sachs acquired Clarity in 2018, a new way to manage your financial history and transactions. With Clarity, you have a single pane of glass through which you can view your financial history as well as see where and how your money is moving as it enters and leaves your accounts. This clarity makes it easier to understand where your money is going and how it’s spending itself.

Your financial status, including your cash, credit debt and investments: In the past few days, you’ve spent $2,000 on groceries and other items. You have a balance of $1,500 on your credit card. You have a month’s worth of rent paid. Your recent income flow is as follows: you earned $100 in the last three days and have a remaining balance of $50 in your Marcus account from Goldman Sachs. You will get paid on Monday. Your monthly budget is as follows: You are spending money at an alarming rate - you’re spending more than you’re making! This could be because of your high-spending habits or because you’re not saving enough money. To help you understand where your money is going and make better decisions about where to allocate it, we’ve created a free credit score for you!

You can explore more deeply into your finances to get a more detailed perspective on your spending and track expenses.

Clarity is a great app that requires some time to get used to its features, but when compared to gathering all this information manually from across multiple sources, it greatly reduces the time required.

The downside is that the company might not be able to keep up with the competition.

The Clarity dashboard is comprehensive, but it can be overwhelming at first.

It can be easy to get lost in the data displayed in a dashboard, especially if it’s packed with charts and graphs. This can lead to you focusing on specific sections of the dashboard and neglecting the rest. ..

The app does a decent job of keeping track of finances and displaying the correct cash flows, but there have been cases where it takes a couple days for Clarity to be in sync with your bank account.

If you’re not keeping track of your bank accounts, you could be thinking you have more money than you actually do.

Clarity is a great expense tracking app that can help you focus on your finances. If you treat the app as an expense tracking tool to improve rather than coordinate your financial management with, the benefits are great for the average person.

EveryDollar – For Web and Mobile

Budgeting is a way to stay organized and on track with your expenses. By tracking your spending and budgeting, you can make sure you are meeting your monthly financial goals. This will help you stay mindful of what you need and don’t need, which will help keep you on track.

A Gallup poll found that only one in three Americans keep a long-term budget. This is a problem because it means that if you don’t have a budget, you won’t be able to save for your future.

EveryDollar is a budgeting app that can simplify your finances. By using the app, you can track your spending and save money. Soon, you’ll be able to kick bad habits of overspending and be watching your savings grow.

EveryDollar is a great tool for anyone new to budgeting. It provides a smart and customizable budget that remembers expenses and input them for you each month, plus calculates savings, investments and debt based on input values. Additionally, you can tweak the template to include more unique budget items.

EveryDollar is a new spreadsheet app that takes Excel’s equations and cells and puts them behind a modern interface that’s easy for anyone to understand. The beauty of the app is all you have to do is point and click and enter data inputs.

EveryDollar is a tool that helps you budget and plan for your finances. But it’s more than just a tool. It’s a knowledge base, developed by finance guru Dave Ramsey’s namesake company, Ramsey Solutions. This makes EveryDollar perfect for people who want to learn the best practices from him and other experts in financial planning and budgeting.

EveryDollar provides a visual, phased journey of goals you can follow, starting with Baby Step 1, Emergency Fund, and ending with Baby Step 7, Build Wealth and Give. ..

The app is able to keep track of your budget and where you are on your journey, based on what it has processed from you. ..

In Baby Step 1, EveryDollar will automatically move you forward to Baby Step 2, Pay Off All Debt Using the Debt Snowball. Additionally, there are tips included for each step to make your journey towards financial well-being a little easier.

EveryDollar is more than just a budget and also a knowledge base. With its third feature, EveryDollar offers tools to help you find local providers for insurance, tax services, retirement and investing, and buying and selling a home. ..

EveryDollar is an intuitive budgeting tool with advanced features that help you achieve financial security. However, there are some drawbacks to the app. ..

Something as simple as expense tracking can add up if you want it. Just to connect your bank accounts and credit cards, as well as receive support, will cost you $10.75 a month, or $129 a year. This is especially true if you want to track expenses for a deep and breadth of topics, like Clarity does for free.

If you’re looking for an app that can do it all, then EveryDollar may be the perfect fit for you. With its comprehensive expense tracking and budgeting features, it’s easy to keep track of your finances no matter where you are. Plus, its membership program offers a discount on every purchase, so it’s definitely worth signing up! ..

Mint – For Web and Mobile

When it comes to managing finances, there are a variety of options available to you. Some people prefer robust tools that offer a lot of features, while others may be more comfortable using less-powerful tools that are easier to use. It all comes down to what you’re comfortable with and what you think will work best for your needs. ..

Mint is a popular app that helps people manage their budget and expense tracking. It’s one of the most popular apps on the market, and it’s difficult to find anything comparable. ..

-Your current spending -Your total spending for the past month -Your total spending for the past year -Your credit score -Your debt level Mint also offers a few other features that are unique to it, like a budgeting tool and an expense tracking tool.

  1. Make sure you have an accurate credit score to get the best rates on your loans and mortgages.
  2. Create budgets to keep track of your spending and make sure you’re not overspending.
  3. Invest in stocks, bonds, and other types of investments to help grow your money over time.
  4. Ways to save money include setting aside money each month for savings or using a budgeting app to keep track of your spending. ..

Intuit’s Mint is more robust than the other apps we’ve covered, with Intuit also conscious of people who don’t have time to dig into detail. ..

-A user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage your finances -Automatic budgeting and tracking to help you stay on track -A range of features to help you save money, including a bill reminder service and a budget planner -The ability to share your finances with others in your family or social network for support Mint is a financial management app that offers a variety of features to help users save money. Some of these features include automatic budgeting and tracking, the ability to share finances with others in your social network, and a bill reminder service. Mint is user friendly and easy to use, making it an ideal tool for managing one’s finances. ..


The transactions tool is fantastic, as it emulates what you would see in a banking app, which means you don’t have to worry about getting used to a different layout or process of scrolling through expenses. A unique feature here is the ability to tag (i.e., label) transactions to group them into categories, making them easier to find and analyze from a higher level.


Mint is a great tool to keep track of bills and payments. It has a billing cycle calendar that allows you to see when bills are due, as well as add bills you want to be notified of to pay on specific dates.


Mint’s budgeting tool is a great tool, but EveryDollar’s is easier to use and manage. This could be an area for Mint to improve upon. The layout and process for managing things are more intuitive than they are.


Mint is a tool that compares different ways to pay off credit card debt, save for an emergency, and buy a new car. It offers several calculators to help you figure out how to achieve these goals.


Your Financial Trends

This is a great tool for people who want to understand their finances better. There are many different graphs that you can create to help you see your spending, income, assets, debts and net worth. This can help you make better decisions about your finances.

Ways to


Mint offers a variety of financial products to help you get the best bang for your buck. ..

Mint is a great tool for personal finance, but it requires time and effort to be as smart with your finances as possible. ..


Clarity is a tool that helps people manage their expenses. It takes some getting used to and some attention, but it can help you improve your financial management by centrally locating all your cash flows.

EveryDollar is a budgeting app that takes the capabilities of Excel and packages them into an intuitive and smart interface. The app hides most of the meticulous work required to coordinate a budget, but if you want expense tracking, you’ll have to pay for it. ..

Mint is a budgeting and expense tracking app that offers a breadth and depth of insight. If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution, Mint is a great option, but it’s not worth much if you only use it occasionally. ..

Which app is right for you comes down to preference and understanding what level of guidance you need to help you stay on track.

There are a lot of high-level financial apps on the market, but which one is right for you? To find out, we recommend trying each app for yourself. Once you find one that works best for you, you’ll be ready to start managing your money smarter in the digital age. ..