You can always just upload anything and use the rudimentary cropping tools on that particular site to fit your image into the box, but if you want to create something unique or even halfway professional looking, you have to plan it out a little more. Luckily, there are some online tools that can help you quickly create custom header/profile pics without needing Photoshop. ..

-Facebook -Twitter -LinkedIn -Google+ -Tumblr -Reddit

All-in-one Image Resizers

With AP Social Media Image Maker, you can create perfect images for all of your social media sites. It has a variety of templates to choose from, as well as a diagram that shows you which image is referenced on the site.

The site’s editing tools are great and there is no need to sign in or anything else. It’s the best tool out there because it doesn’t have as many ads as other sites do. ..

The Social Image Resizer tool is a free tool that you can use to resize your social media images. Choose a file and click Upload to get started. Then simply click inside the box next to Choose a size and you’ll get a drop down of social media sites.

Facebook Cover Photo: You can pick from a variety of Facebook cover photos like a standard profile pic or a photostrip. You can also choose to have the photo cropped to fit your Facebook profile page or use a custom size. Facebook Profile Pic: You can pick from a variety of Facebook profile pics like a standard photo or a photostrip. You can also choose to have the photo cropped to fit your Facebook profile page or use a custom size. Google+ Icon: You can pick from a variety of Google+ icons like an image of Google+, an image of YouTube, an image of Gmail, or an image of Google Maps. You can also choose to have the icon cropped to fit your Google+ account or use a custom size. Photostrip: You can pick from various photostrips like one with text and one without text. You can also choose to have the photo cropped to fit your Facebook profile page or use a custom size.

I edited and then downloaded the image. It was neat!

Facebook Photo Tools

Timeline CoverBanner is a great tool for quickly creating a cover banner for Facebook. You can use it to create that custom cool-looking Facebook profile that connects your profile pic and your cover photo.

Looking to be cool like that? You’ll need some help getting it all perfectly sized and cropped. That’s what you can use this tool for. It also helps you find background too if you don’t happen to have anything useful yourself. However, if you already have images and just want to get to the editing, you can either use the lite editor or the advanced one. The advanced editor has a ton of features to edit the image, apply effects, add text and lots more. However, when you download the image, it will not contain any watermark.

Timeline Cover Maker is a great online tool that has a lot of editing tools and effects. It doesn’t require you to login or anything like that, and it doesn’t add any watermark to your final picture. Some of the free tools you see online force you to log into your Facebook account so that they can update your cover photo for you. I don’t like this feature for sure because it makes it difficult to be unique and separate my article from other articles on the same topic.

Easy Cover Maker is a great tool for creating covers for your website or blog. It doesn’t have many editing tools, but it does one really cool thing - it can upload a photo and adjust its size and position. Once you have it where you want it, you can then download the profile pic and cover photo separately.

I use this tool to cut pictures for my website. It’s easy to use and let me expand the image without having to resize it.

The new photo editor in Adobe Photoshop is really cool. You can have multiple layers and add transparency so you can create amazing photos with just a few clicks.

Twitter Header/Background Tools

Twitter is a great way to share images with your followers. You can use your profile pic, header image, and background to create a unique look for your account. This can lead to some creative uses of images. ..

  1. Twitter Header Image Generator
  2. Twitter Background Creator
  3. Twitter Header Image Maker

The Header Cover tool is a fairly simple way to start your website with a blank background. You can pick from a variety of images and profile pics to create your header. The tool doesn’t have any adjustable settings, which can be frustrating. You can however adjust the size of the background image and thumbnail pic.

You can also just upload a background pic and then click Download Pictures. If you have a profile pic that is in an area that is not covered by the background picture, then you can use the Insert photo as thumbnail option to add that part of the image to your profile. The main issue is that there isn’t a cropping tool available so you have to make sure that the image is in a place where it will be seen by people.

Twitter has a design tab on their settings page that you can access if you go to the Design tab on your Twitter settings page. This tab has a link to their site where you can choose from a bunch of backgrounds and color palettes. You’ll have to sign in using your Twitter account, but it should be safe since it’s sponsored by Twitter itself.

Twitter is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, share your thoughts on current events, and learn about new things. If you’re not using Twitter, I highly recommend signing up. It’s free and easy to use. ..

Google+ covers can be easily created using the same tools as for Facebook, so there’s no need to create a separate Google+ cover tool. However, using these tools can give you a unique and interesting look for your social media profiles.